That's why many programmers have long preferred a simple text editor to an IDE. 这就是为什么很多程序员长期以来宁愿选择使用简单的文本编辑器,而不愿使用IDE。
This content includes many long blocks of text and many large photos. ( The images are culled from Flickr, the popular Web2.0 photo-sharing network.) 这些内容包括许多很长的文本块和许多大照片(图像来自流行的Web2.0照片共享站点Flickr)。
Web designers have long used graphical text to display unusual fonts, scripts, or other typefaces not available on most users 'computers. Web设计师很早就开始使用图像文本显示特殊的字体、脚本,或其他无法在用户电脑上显示的字体。
For instance, one script might return comma-separated values, another pipe-separated values ( the pipe is the| character), and another may return one long string of text. 比方说,一种脚本可能返回逗号分隔的值,另一种则使用管道符(即字符)分隔的值,还有一种则返回长文本字符串。
I find it nearly impossible to write long documents with a text editor. 我发现几乎不可能利用文本编辑器编写长文档。
Well, the Head First editors took the saying," A picture is worth a thousand words "quite literally, and they definitely found a good way to use pictures as a substitute for long, drawn out text. 然而,HeadFirst的编辑相当直白地说出这个谚语,“一副图画能够比得上千字的描述”,并且他们肯定找到了用图片取代冗长文章的好方法。
I was attracted to these long periods of music without text, so I thought that would really be something that could be visually treated, and was rare for an opera to have these spaces. 我被那些大段大段没有唱词的音乐所吸引,所以我觉得这些真的可以用视觉形式表现出来,歌剧有这么多没有唱词的间隙是很罕见的。
In one setup, the volunteers walked without a phone; in another, they read a long text on a phone's screen; and in a third, they texted The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 一次安排这些志愿者在走路时不拿手机;另一次边走边在手机上看一条长长的短信;第三次则是边走边发短信,内容为:敏捷的褐色狐狸跳过了懒狗。
White text on a black background is fine as long as the text is large enough and "thick" enough to be seen against the black background. 只要文本足够大,文字足够“粗”在黑色的背景中能够读出,那么白色的文本放到黑色的背景上就是可行的。
The e-mail subject text is too long. Reduce the amount of text and try again. 电子邮件主题文本太长。请减少文本数并重试。
If the first text-word is too long, no text will fit to complete the left-hand side, so beware creating a "ragged left margin" when not enough space remains for text to fit alongside floating-tables. 如果第一文本词太长了,则没有文本完全匹配左手边,因此当没有足够空间是文本匹配浮动表格式应小心创建一个排齐的左边距。
Long text blocks without images and keywords marked in bold or italics will be skipped. 大段没有图像、标粗或者斜体关键字的文本将被忽略。
In the worst case, it might just take a long time if the JSON text is too large. 最糟糕的情况可能是这样的过程会需要一段比较长的时间,如果JSON文本太大的话。
The US and other Nato countries have long refused to ratify the revised text unless Russia delivers on commitments to pull out troops from enclaves in the former Soviet states of Georgia and Moldova. 美国和其它北约国家长期以来一直拒绝批准修订过的协议文本,除非俄罗斯履行诺言,从前苏联加盟共和国格鲁吉亚和摩尔多瓦境内的特区撤军。
Write a long text for your presentation and read it to the audience. 为你的表演把一篇长课文写下来,然后为听众读出。
How could I recite a LONG LONG text without learning it? 那么长的课文,我又没学,怎么背啊?
The oral imparting has a very long history but the text formed in the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing Dynasties reflected the social cultural change of that time. 口头传承产生久远,而形成于明末清初的文本则反映了当时壮族社会文化变迁的种种事象。
Generally speaking, English has a well-knit cohesion, strong rationality and so has a long text; 总的说来,在语篇上,英语具有衔接严谨、诉诸理性、语篇较长的特点;
The Translation of Long Sentences in the Text of College English 《大学英语》课文中的长句翻译
A New Method of Long Text Printing by VB 长文本打印的改进方案
First, it investigates the features and types of long sentences in listening text. 首先,本文研究了听力理解中长句的特征及类型。
Aimed to the need of disposal on prescription's long text, we design a preprocessing process-PIDP, appropriate to TCM data's feature, and thus standardize the original TCM data. 针对系统对方剂长文本处理的需要,设计了符合中药方剂数据特征的PIDP过程,将原始的方剂数据规范化。
However, there are still a series of problems in the present college English reading class, like the long and tedious text, the singularity of the teaching materials and teaching method. 但是目前我国大学英语阅读教学还存在着一系列的问题,如课文篇幅较长,教学方法单一,教学内容枯燥等。
As long as the target text brought into the source text, no matter which strategy the translator makes use of, he or she cannot change the truth that the target text is a hybrid one to some degree. 只要目的语文本进人本土文化,无论译者采用归化还是异化的翻译策略,译文都不可避免地具有某种程度的杂合。
It usually has many long sentences in Chinese text and it usually has many entities in these long sentences, these characteristics makes the research on Chinese entity semantic relation extraction become difficult. 中文文本多长句,长句中往往又包含着多个命名实体,该语法特点使得中文命名实体的语义关系抽取变的更加的困难。本文将着重在这方面进行研究。
The information of network public-opinion research comes from BBS, blogs and web pages, which is different from traditional long text, and we can call it Chinese network short text. 网络舆情研究领域所处理的信息来源有新闻网页、论坛、博客等几大领域,涉及到的文本形式已经有别传统的长文本内容,可以称之为中文网络短文本。
Secondly, the duration of the experiment is not long enough, especially for text retelling. 第二,本研究持续时间不长,不能确保两种记忆策略对学生写作质量的长期影响,尤其是课文复述策略。
In order to verify the feasibility of text semantic understanding with the guide of topic concurrence relations, we take single long documents and huge text corpus for example, and propose appropriate visual design respectively to represent topic concur-rences to users. 为了验证主题关联关系对于用户理解文本语义的可行性,本文分别以单篇长文档数据和大尺度文本集合为实验对象,并分别设计合适的文本信息可视表达方法将主题关系网络呈现给用户。
Under the theory, although target text resulting from using these methods is not equivalent to source text, it is feasible as long as the target text is adequate to the skopos of translation. 在目的论的指导下,使用这些翻译方法产生的目标文本虽然和原文不等值,只要目标文本合适翻译的目的,这些方法就能使用。
Existing character recognition technology is well established, as long as accurately locate the text, the text can be separated and identified. 现有的字符识别技术已经非常成熟,只要能准确定位出文本,即可分割和识别出文本。因此,在网络图片中定位出文本就显得非常重要。